Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pay Per Click

Pay per click is, in most cases, just another way to say, AdSense, affiliate marketing or some combination of both. What you need to know about pay per click specifically, is what to look out for.
There are two basic pay per click offers you will see most. The first is the basic, YOU get paid when someone else clicks on an ad , or an affiliate link on your site. (for more on these see my AdSense and affiliate marketing links on this page) Most offers about these are related to either someone selling you the same information I am giving here for free, or some specific system that may or may not work depending on your specific level of dedication and involvement. And others are flat out scams.
The second is when someone else Pays YOU to click on their ads or affiliate links. For example, if I get paid five dollars when someone clicks on one of my links I would offer a dollar per click to someone, if I get a thousand people to click on my link I'll make a 4 thousand dollar prophet. HOWEVER this tends to be frowned upon and is flat out not allowed in AdSense and many other programs. People still do it, and when they get caught and their account is closed, they simply start another one. I personally do not like this system at all. Mostly because, even though I am not the one breaking the rules when I click on someone else's ads, as soon as they get busted, and they WILL, the whole program will disappear. No one can make a full time job out of something that is destined to vanish. Also, most of these such systems pay such a small amount of money that in the time it would take you to make a couple of hundred dollars clicking on other peoples ads, you could have made your own and market your own web page and start bringing in serious cash.

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